Public Relations for B2B SMBs

An excellent addition to your content marketing efforts to increase awareness and generate leads is good, old-fashioned public relations (PR).

However, most business-to-business (B2B), small and mid-sized (SMB) companies don’t have enough news to interest even niche industry publications, so what can you do to get some much-needed publicity?

Innovaxis will help you identify and capitalize on the PR opportunities below as part of your content calendar.

PR Opportunities

  • Press Releases: media-worthy news that is written in the form of a formal press release, distributed via a PR service, and emailed directly to editors of target publications; note: if you don’t use one, we will suggest one and we suggest to post to multiple PR services one at a time instead of subscribing to a single PR distribution service (the vast majority of our clients don’t have more than 1-2 press releases per year, so subscribing to a monthly service is a waste of money)
  • SEO Press Release Blogs: like formal press releases but cover lighter new (new hires, promotions, awards, webinar/podcast series, etc.) that are written in the form of a blog but distributed via a PR service
  • Article Publishing: pitching article concepts to editors of target publications, which are then written by Innovaxis following an interview with one or more subject matter experts (SME) and submitted to the editor; we can also promote these articles on your blog and/or repurpose the article content as a blog for your site; note: the majority of articles we get published are earned – i.e. you don’t have to pay to get them published (though we can also help you investigate paid sponsorships)
  • Speaking Engagements: pitching your SME(s) to industry associations and other relevant events that are open to third-party speakers; note: large industry association events need to be pitched up to nine months in advance; smaller events need to be pitched 3-6 months in advance; also note: the majority of speaking engagements we generate are earned – i.e. you don’t have to pay to speak (though we can also help you investigate paid sponsorships)