Innovaxis Develops Websites that Increase Lead Generation & Sales
How does your website perform? It takes a lot more than just looking good to generate sustainable, double-digit growth in demand and sales.
Do you know the dirty little secret about website development? If you’re an established business or nonprofit, you probably don’t need a new website. Instead, you likely need stronger messaging as part of the Innovaxis brand story process. Following a brand story implementation, your website will look brand new without your having to pay up to $30,000 just for a new design and maybe a bit of high level content. Consider getting started with a Brand Story Workshop.
A Faster, More Cost-Effective Option
As Blue Ocean Strategy tells us, you need not sacrifice quality for cost-effectiveness when it comes to development of a new website…
If you do need a brand new website, Innovaxis sites are typically launched within 3-4 months of the initial brand story discussion (kick-off) and cost a fraction of what most companies our size or larger would charge. This is because Innovaxis clients do not want to spend $20,000 to $30,000 for a web design. And our clients love them upon launch; many of our clients have previously suffered through website development projects that took 6-12 months and looked good but didn’t generate results because the vendor didn’t have the process or interest to understand their business and brand story.
Note: Innovaxis-developed sites are only on a project basis if you already have a custom marketing program in place with us, because they are the one of the main outputs of the brand story process instead of being the primary focus of a marketing effort.
Websites that Generate Results
More than just a beautiful new web design is needed to generate results: your website needs to be part of a powerful marketing strategy and incorporate foundational brand story messaging with thought leadership (content marketing), SEO and outbound campaigns – with a holistic marketing partner leading the effort in a collaborative, mutually beneficial way. That is why we only grow if you grow.
The Secret Formula
Innovaxis websites generate results because they incorporate best-of-breed practices across all six areas of website development:
How does your website measure up to best practices?
Recent Website Development
We are proficient in WordPress and both open source and proprietary website content management software, including American Eagle, Wix, Joomla, Drupal, Tridian, Umbraco, Modx, Ruby on Rails, BigCommerce, Miva, Shopify, and more.