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B2B Marketing Strategy & Managed Services Blog Tag: blogging

5 Key Building Blocks of Successful B2B SEO

Sean Parnell - Monday, April 13, 2020

B2B SEO Building Blocks

There are numerous components to search engine optimization (SEO) in business-to-business (B2B) marketing, so how do you know where to start. Here are five key building blocks that, once mastered, will increase traffic for any website by 30-300% or more.

Keyword Rankings

“The power of keyword research lies in better understanding your target market and how they are searching for your content, services, or products.” – Moz

Tracking keyword rankings is central to the success of all SEO activities. Keywords are a leading indicator for lead generation, along with organic search traffic and lead generation. Rank for the wrong keywords, and you will have wasted a lot of time and money.

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#fail: How to Write B2B Blogs that Suck

Pat Dunnigan - Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to Write B2B Blogs that Suck

There are a lot of ways to fail at B2B blogging and sometimes we feel as if we have seen them all, but then from out of the blue – and yes, the internet is in fact, mostly blue; we looked it up – will come a daring and original new form of just plain terrible blogging.

We’re looking at you,                   .com

But you don’t have to be super creative to fail at B2B blogging. There are plenty of ordinary ways to create B2B blog content that is limp, unreadable, ineffective or that actively repels or offends your prospects.

We’re going to walk you through some of the best ways to accomplish all of those things,

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