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B2B Marketing Strategy & Managed Services Blog Tag: copywriting

The Formula for Successful Messaging in Headlines, Ads, Emails & Everything

Sean Parnell - Saturday, June 1, 2024

Tested Advertising Methods by John Capbles

The book Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples is an all-time classic and must read for all marketing professionals.

Though first published in 1932, the fifth edition has been updated so that its even more relevant today and, in our opinion, is relevant for print and digital ads, Google Ads and other pay-per-click campaigns as well as for blog post and web page titles (H1 headings), page titles and meta descriptions (SEO), email campaign subject lines and preview text, direct mail pieces, company tag lines, and anywhere else you promote your messaging.

Why is this book so good and relevant over the last 100 years? Because it takes a simple and powerful approach to writing headlines and other copywriting that generates leads and sales.

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How Content Marketing Can Drive Double-Digit Sales Growth

Sean Parnell - Thursday, September 22, 2022

B2B Content Marketing Best Practices

With signs pointing up for the U.S. economy, despite inflation and supply chain challenges, manufacturers, software developers, service providers, and nonprofits have a unique opportunity to grow their share of the market.

But it won’t happen for everyone. As with luck, economic tailwinds favor the prepared. That’s why it’s critical to establish an effective content marketing strategy.

Door knocking, cold calling, and tradeshows might have been effective in the past but that’s no longer the case for most businesses – even if you can find enough salespeople to do it.

Today’s markets demand educational, online content – with information that helps educate prospects who are increasingly researching solutions before ever speaking to you.

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SEO & The Role of Content Marketing

Sean Parnell - Monday, June 29, 2020

SEO & The Role of Content Marketing

“Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website more than any of the other factors discussed here.” – Google SEO Starter Guide

Once all of your current web pages and blogs are fully optimized for SEO, you’ll see significant rankings increases often 2-30% or more. For keywords where you’re not yet ranking on Google page one’s top 3 results, you will need more content to drive them higher in addition to offsite link building, which we will cover later.

After brainstorming and prioritizing new content ideas, you will have a new content calendar. We recommend that you create at least three new website content items per month that include fully optimized page names,

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Website Development vs. Web Design

Sean Parnell - Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Website Development Portfolio from InnovaxisWeb designers are a dime-a-dozen. A commodity. It seems everyone and their brother can create a new website these days. So what differentiates one from another? It’s the difference between website development and web design. One generates leads. One will leave you thinking that marketing doesn’t work.

Far too many web designers place style over substance, masking a lack of quality content with a few lines of code. Or they make you to write everything yourself—and you’ve got a business to run. They also claim to offer SEO services but often lack an understanding of current best practices, or utilize black hat SEO practices that can get you blacklisted by Google and Bing.

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