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B2B Marketing Strategy & Managed Services Blog Tag: site speed optimization

How Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Can Optimize Their Website’s Core Web Vitals

Billy Altantulkhuur - Friday, January 12, 2024
Need help with improving Core Web Vitals? Innovaxis Marketing is a NitroPack agency partner – contact us for help


B2B Marketing Results

After Google incorporated Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor in its organic search algorithm a few years ago, website developers and marketers have increasingly prioritized site speed and overall user experience in their SEO strategies. Improving these metrics, however, can be overwhelming and confusing — especially if you don’t have prior website development experience.

Oftentimes, we see WordPress sites with low Google PageSpeed scores (<70 out of 100) and issues that small and medium-sized business owners may not even be aware of until they start to wonder why they are not ranking as well as they should.

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