B2B Marketing Consulting & Agency Services Blog

B2B Marketing Strategy & Managed Services Blog Tag: lead generation

How to Increase Lead Generation with Thought Leadership

Sean Parnell - Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Man holding lightbulb

It may seem obvious to say that people seek out businesses that demonstrate thought leadership in their industries, but you would be surprised at the number of business owners whose marketing includes few examples of it – or none at all.

When a potential customer is researching your products and solutions, thought leadership can be a powerful differentiator. There are few ways as effective at driving leads as guides, industry publication articles and whitepapers that demonstrate the depth of expertise and experience you provide.

So why don’t more marketing efforts feature this type of content?

In many cases it’s because of a mistaken idea that marketing should lead with the benefits of products and services.

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Landing Page Best Practices

Sarina Remiasz - Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Landing Page Best Practices

Creating a landing page may sound like an easy task, and in some ways, it is. The hard part comes when your landing page isn’t getting the conversions or generating the leads you want.

Having created thousands of landing pages for our clients, we’ve learned what works and what doesn’t when it comes to these important lead generators. No single recipe will work for all businesses, but here are guidelines for developing a successful landing page.

To Gate or Not to Gate

Which content should be gated? It’s the question all marketers have asked themselves at one point. While the answer can be subjective based on your goals, here are our recommendations for deciding what content is worth gating behind a form.

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How to Cut B2B Marketing Costs and Increase Leads & Sales

Sean Parnell - Wednesday, July 29, 2020

“Reducing marketing spending will, in most cases, only make a bad financial situation worse. You can almost never save your way to profitability.”
– Craig Bloem, Inc.

When the market falters or new obstacles cut into your business goals, are you tempted to cut marketing costs? Be careful not to cut your leads and sales as a result:

How to cut marketing costs and increase lead generation and sales

Not all outsourced marketing is effective, so how do you select the right partner?

The right marketing partner is a cost-effective way to control costs without losing the momentum that marketing provides for your sales efforts. Here are some key criteria for identifying the partner – and the ROI – that you need.

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#fail: How to Create Google Pay-Per-Click Campaigns that Pay Off … for Google

Raven Chapman - Saturday, July 18, 2020

How to Fail at Google Ads Campaigns

A whopping 90% of internet search traffic takes place through the magic of Google, a company so ambitious that it named itself for a mathematical concept that means a number so big we don’t have time to explain it to you.

But that’s no reason not to trust them to help you play the world’s most popular pay-per-click competition, The Game of Google Ads.

This wild bidding war is perfect for the marketer looking to spend as much time and money as possible for results that are as predictable as ripening avocados.

Will your ad strike the right note at the right time with the ripe prospects?

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Brand Story & SEO: Increasing Website Conversions

Sean Parnell - Sunday, April 19, 2020

B2B Website Lead Conversion & Generation

To increase your website’s capacity to generate leads, many often turn to a commissioning new web design. Facelifts can help but only addresses the style of your brand and not its substance.

Savvy marketers know that you can increase traffic to your website with content marketing leveraged by search engine optimization (SEO) and PR to increase leads but that’s only half the battle.

While a creative, professional web design, content marketing, SEO, and PR are all important pieces of the puzzle, converting more website traffic into leads depends more upon how strongly your messaging resonates with prospects.

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5 Key Building Blocks of Successful B2B SEO

Sean Parnell - Monday, April 13, 2020

B2B SEO Building Blocks

There are numerous components to search engine optimization (SEO) in business-to-business (B2B) marketing, so how do you know where to start. Here are five key building blocks that, once mastered, will increase traffic for any website by 30-300% or more.

Keyword Rankings

“The power of keyword research lies in better understanding your target market and how they are searching for your content, services, or products.” – Moz

Tracking keyword rankings is central to the success of all SEO activities. Keywords are a leading indicator for lead generation, along with organic search traffic and lead generation. Rank for the wrong keywords, and you will have wasted a lot of time and money.

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#fail: How to Write B2B Blogs that Suck

Pat Dunnigan - Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to Write B2B Blogs that Suck

There are a lot of ways to fail at B2B blogging and sometimes we feel as if we have seen them all, but then from out of the blue – and yes, the internet is in fact, mostly blue; we looked it up – will come a daring and original new form of just plain terrible blogging.

We’re looking at you,                   .com

But you don’t have to be super creative to fail at B2B blogging. There are plenty of ordinary ways to create B2B blog content that is limp, unreadable, ineffective or that actively repels or offends your prospects.

We’re going to walk you through some of the best ways to accomplish all of those things,

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B2B Messaging Under Duress: 3 Recommendations for Managing COVID-19 Communications

Sean Parnell - Wednesday, March 25, 2020

B2B Storytelling that Cuts Through the Clutter

Your clients have a lot of things to worry about right now. First of course, is protecting the health and safety of their employees and others around them.

But while that’s the priority, the economic risks are hard to separate from our other worries right now. Your clients, like all of us, are navigating the health threat while also scrambling to keep it from spilling over into a threat to their businesses.

How do you communicate with them without simply adding to the noise, or worse – creating the impression that you put profits ahead of public health?

Here are three recommendations on how to communicate with your customers or prospective customers during this crisis:

Share the State of Your Operations

Your customers need to know if there are changes to your capacity or availability.

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B2B Storytelling that Cuts Through the Clutter

Sean Parnell - Sunday, January 26, 2020

B2B Storytelling that Cuts Through the Clutter

In a world full of countless, noisy marketing messages vying for our attention from a multiplying list of platforms, many companies mistakenly try to compete with messaging that is louder. HEY! LOOK AT US, LOOK AT WHAT WE CAN DO!

Meanwhile, your prospects are struggling to figure out whether you are a good fit for helping them do what they do. Hey, look over here! Look at what we need…

Brand Story marketing, adapted from sources like Donald Miller’s book, Building a StoryBrand and Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces, reframes the traditional view of marketing, placing the customer at the center of the message rather than the company.

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