B2B Marketing Consulting & Agency Services Blog

B2B Marketing Strategy & Managed Services Blog Tag: search engine optimization (seo)

Leveraging B2B Marketing Efforts for Double-Digit Growth

Sean Parnell - Friday, March 1, 2024

Leveraging B2B Marketing Efforts for Double-Digit Growth

The B2B sales and marketing landscape can be a murky place.

Visitors may flock to your website but create few qualified leads. A flurry of sales activity doesn’t necessarily lead to sustainable gains. You can flaunt your services at all the right trade shows and still go home with little to show for it. And every five minutes some new “must do” marketing platform or technology pops up on the scene.

It’s never been easier to sink time and money into marketing your business. What’s harder is creating a focused and disciplined strategy that’s tied to genuine and measurable ROI.

At Innovaxis, we specialize in helping B2B businesses develop and implement marketing strategies that deliver sustainable,

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How to Get the Most out of Google Ads for the Least Amount of Spend

Sean Parnell - Saturday, February 26, 2022

How to Get the Most out of Google Ads for the Least Amount of Spend

While getting results from pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on Google Ads can seem expensive, complicated and mysterious, it can have a significant impact on lead generation and increasing client acquisition with a clear strategy and experienced execution.

With a platform that processes over 8.5 billion searches a day, Google Ads can provides serious reach. According to Google’s annual economic Impact report, companies that advertise on Google Ads generate $2 for every $1 spent, on average.

What Google doesn’t tell you, however, is that it’s easy to spend a lot of money for little or no result if your campaigns are managed by someone without extensive experience, a bit of Google savvy in avoiding common traps,

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NitroPack: The Hidden Gem of Speed Optimization Plugins

Sarina Remiasz - Monday, July 19, 2021
Need help implementing NitroPack on WordPress or Magento? Innovaxis Marketing is a NitroPack agency partner – contact us for help


NitroPack Logo

Now that Google has added Core Web Vitals and page speed to its search ranking algorithm, WordPress site owners have been wondering: how can I make my website faster and my user experience better?

WordPress sites are notoriously slow with Google PageSpeed often <20 out of 100. Infinite plugins that each have their own bundle of files, especially JavaScript, are a big reason why your site may experience less-than-optimal site speeds.

Enter NitroPack: a WordPress plugin with powerful speed optimization capabilities. With NitroPack activated,

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SEO & The Role of Content Marketing

Sean Parnell - Monday, June 29, 2020

SEO & The Role of Content Marketing

“Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website more than any of the other factors discussed here.” – Google SEO Starter Guide

Once all of your current web pages and blogs are fully optimized for SEO, you’ll see significant rankings increases often 2-30% or more. For keywords where you’re not yet ranking on Google page one’s top 3 results, you will need more content to drive them higher in addition to offsite link building, which we will cover later.

After brainstorming and prioritizing new content ideas, you will have a new content calendar. We recommend that you create at least three new website content items per month that include fully optimized page names,

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Brand Story & SEO: Increasing Website Conversions

Sean Parnell - Sunday, April 19, 2020

B2B Website Lead Conversion & Generation

To increase your website’s capacity to generate leads, many often turn to a commissioning new web design. Facelifts can help but only addresses the style of your brand and not its substance.

Savvy marketers know that you can increase traffic to your website with content marketing leveraged by search engine optimization (SEO) and PR to increase leads but that’s only half the battle.

While a creative, professional web design, content marketing, SEO, and PR are all important pieces of the puzzle, converting more website traffic into leads depends more upon how strongly your messaging resonates with prospects.

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#fail: How to Completely Screw Up Your B2B SEO

Sean Parnell - Wednesday, April 15, 2020

B2B SEO Fail

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most thoroughly understood subjects in digital marketing – just ask 20 different SEO experts for help and you’ll get 20 different plans.

Hire them all and presto! You’ve got… a lot of plans.

If that seems confusing, you could try to learn it on your own. Keeping up with Google is fun – there are only 500-600 ranking algorithm updates per year.

We’ve Seen It All

With a landscape that changes every couple of clicks, SEO know-how requires a lot of keeping up. But SEO know-how-not-to is its own kind of expertise as well.

We’ve optimized websites since the days of Lycos and AltaVista.

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5 Key Building Blocks of Successful B2B SEO

Sean Parnell - Monday, April 13, 2020

B2B SEO Building Blocks

There are numerous components to search engine optimization (SEO) in business-to-business (B2B) marketing, so how do you know where to start. Here are five key building blocks that, once mastered, will increase traffic for any website by 30-300% or more.

Keyword Rankings

“The power of keyword research lies in better understanding your target market and how they are searching for your content, services, or products.” – Moz

Tracking keyword rankings is central to the success of all SEO activities. Keywords are a leading indicator for lead generation, along with organic search traffic and lead generation. Rank for the wrong keywords, and you will have wasted a lot of time and money.

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The ABCs of SEO

Sean Parnell - Saturday, February 1, 2020

It is most wise to beware of companies promising you the world in the form of a 1st page or #1 Google rankings. These inflated claims often come along with a range of dubious Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tricks that the major search engines have long factored in to their algorithms. The results might not be just disappointing they can cause irreparable harm to legitimate businesses. This is called “black hat SEO.” Just ask JC Penney.

We believe that good SEO or “white hat SEO” is a product of high quality, original site content combined with a collection of proven best practices for site management and link building. Our methods produce sustainably high organic search results for our clients and also lay the groundwork for successful Search Engine Marketing (SEM) campaigns.

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Farewell, Adobe Business Catalyst – What’s Next?

Sean Parnell - Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Adobe Business Catalyst Logo

At this time two years ago, we encouraged B2B companies to use Adobe Business Catalyst – our website content management system (WCMS) of choice.

Sadly and unexpectedly, Business Catalyst announced that they will end-of-life the platform by March 26, 2020. Adobe originally wanted to pull the plug in 2018, but pushed the date back as torches were lit and pitchforks were being sharpened. This leaves more than 700,000 websites currently hosted on Adobe with the daunting task of migrating to another platform.

Choosing a WCMS for your B2B website can be a struggle. There are so many – trendy platforms entice you with promises of do-it-yourself website designs and minimal prices.

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How to Unlock the Power of Your B2B Website with Structured Data

Sean Parnell - Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Coding structured data on a computer

The first objective of any marketing effort is to get your message where it needs to go. In digital marketing, your first audience is often a search engine: the powerful, frequently misunderstood gatekeepers of the internet.

Search engines are designed to deliver the best possible results based on what you’re searching for. To do so, automatically, they have to decipher and reconcile thousands of formats, languages and vocabularies associated with website coding.

The addition of “structured data” – highly organized blocks of code added to web pages to provide search engines with additional page details – can streamline this process by “speaking” to search engines directly, in a vocabulary they can easily interpret.

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