B2B Marketing Consulting & Agency Services Blog

B2B Marketing Strategy & Managed Services Blog Tag: nonprofit

4 Simple Ways to Improve Marketing for Nonprofits

Sean Parnell - Thursday, November 18, 2021

Marketing Agency vs. In-House Hiring: Which One Is Best?

The right combination of digital marketing and outreach can attract donors and expand the impact of your organization. Here are four simple ways to do so:

  1. Audit Your Website

A website audit provides key insights into what is and isn’t working for you, including efficacy of your messaging, search engine optimization, site speed and other Google core web vitals, mobile/desktop usability, and more.

  1. Calculate Your Return on Mission (ROM)

Return on investment (ROI) is one thing but ROM is essential for calculating and communicating the impact you have, especially to attract more donors and grants. Quantifying ROM and connecting the dots between what people donate and the ROM it can generated can strengthen your messaging and increase fundraising.

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Is It Time to Audit Your Nonprofit Website?

Raven Chapman - Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Nonprofit website

Grant audits, financial audits, program audits – the nonprofit world is full of these often arduous reviews – but when it comes to auditing your digital marketing, we can make it easy for you to undertake this critical step to ensure your website is pulling its weight. Learn why website audits are a critical step for nonprofits.

Many nonprofits have a website that was developed years ago and haven’t touched it since. As a result, digital marketing has fallen to the wayside for many 501(c)(3) organizations who are rightly focused on the reach, mission and impact of their organizations. We get it: with so much going on, it can sometimes feel as if you don’t have the time to make your website and digital communication a priority.

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