B2B Marketing Consulting & Agency Services Blog

B2B Marketing Strategy & Managed Services Blog Tag: digital marketing

Marketing Agency vs. In-House Hiring: What Works Best?

Sean Parnell - Friday, November 12, 2021

Marketing Agency vs. In-House Hiring: Which One Is Best?

Find the best approach for your marketing efforts, taking the top 16 skillsets needed for maximizing B2B demand generation into consideration

With 25 years in B2B marketing—from market research to product management to agency consulting—I have found that marketing firms have a 3x faster and bigger impact than a full-time hire, often at a lower cost – if you find the right agency, and these two approaches are not mutually exclusive.

Effective Demand Generation Requires a Multitude of Skillsets

Marketing agencies use a team of specialists vs. expecting one person to be able to do it all. Maximizing demand and lead generation today requires a multitude of skill sets – here are the top 16:

  1. Marketing auditing,
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The Company Brochure: Still Generating Sales in the Digital Age

Sean Parnell - Saturday, May 28, 2011

Company BrochureIn the rush to implement the “latest and greatest” (and untested) techniques, too many marketers overlook simple, proven methods for driving business.

Take the humble sales brochure. It has fallen out out of favor with many marketers, who view brochures as nothing more than another piece of printed collateral. But in our experience, a well-designed sales brochure can be a highly effective messaging tool—in terms of both cost and returns—particularly in B2B marketing. A well-designed sales brochure will help train your sales reps and guide them in the field, will help your prospects articulate your value proposition to internal decision makers long after your sales rep is gone, and exemplifies your professionalism in hardcopy form.

Think of a brochure as a static snapshot of a company website and you can begin to see the possibilities.

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