B2B Marketing Consulting & Agency Services Blog

B2B Marketing Strategy & Managed Services Blog Tag: brand story

Tell Your Prospects a Better Story: Theirs

Sean Parnell - Monday, October 28, 2019

Tell Your Prospects a Better Story: Their Story

Are you leading with the blah, blah, blah in your marketing? Yawn.

Do you want prospects to see you as just another vendor or a trusted business advisor?

Many companies make the same mistake in their messaging and branding: they lead with their products and services, features and benefits. You know Sandler preaches against this, so why is it so… everywhere in marketing? It’s the same tired story. Prospects have heard it so many times… blah, blah, blah. It’s just noise to them.

Problems Solved vs. Features & Benefits

Lead with the problems you solve and the people you solve them for instead – and you’re likely to find prospects who want to share their problems with you.

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The Formula for Headline Success

Sean Parnell - Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Tested Advertising Methods by John Capbles

The book Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples is an all-time classic and must read for all marketing professionals.

Though first published in 1932, the fifth edition has been updated so that its even more relevant today and, in our opinion, is relevant for every blog post title and meta description, email campaign subject line and preview test, Google AdWords and other pay-per-click ads, company tag lines, as well as in today’s advertising headlines.

Why is this book so good? Because it takes a simple and powerful approach to writing headlines and other copywriting that generates leads and other results.

3-Step Approach to Headline Creativity

For example,

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5 Common Mistakes Made by Content Marketing Agencies

Sean Parnell - Monday, July 22, 2019

How Content Marketing Agencies Fail Their ClientsContent marketing is the foundation of inbound lead generation. When part of a strategic marketing plan leveraged with search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing can dramatically increase thought leadership, inbound lead generation, revenue and profits.

Effective content marketing can generate ROI of at least 300% within 9-18 months, sometimes sooner. Unfortunately, ineffective content marketing is more common, can cost several thousand per month and may only result in a handful of leads. How can you tell the good from the bad so you don’t waste a lot of time and money?

Here are five common mistakes made by content marketing agencies, and how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Content in a Vacuum

Any content marketing agency who guarantees they can boost your online ranking with content alone is telling you a tired story.

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A Better Way to Market Your Brand & Accelerate B2B Sales Growth

Sean Parnell - Monday, March 18, 2019

So many companies make the same mistake: they lead with what they sell and why they’re good at it. While this may sound counterintuitive, leading with who you serve and what problems you solve resonates with prospects and customers in a far more powerful way – especially when you craft a compelling story around the needs of your clients.

Messaging that Doesn’t Put the Solution Before the Problem

The problem with the traditional approach to messaging is that it only works if the products, services and solutions you sell align exactly with what your prospects think they need. What if they don’t know what they want? What if they’re wrong?

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