B2B Marketing Consulting Agency Blog

Website Strategy: Performance vs. Design

Sean Parnell - February 24, 2016 5:15 am

Are You Satisfied with How Your Website Performs?

B2B Website StrategyB2B buyers today spend a great deal of time educating themselves about a business issue and possible solutions. When a visitor lands on your site (if they can find it), you’ve only a few seconds to convey that your product or service is relevant and your company is an authority. If you do, you will generate quality sales leads. If you don’t, you’ll never make it to the shortlist.

It All Starts with Strategy

A website that delivers quality leads, a healthy conversion rate and increased sales, begins with strategic planning.

To perform, your website needs to go beyond looking good and being easy to navigate to making it possible to accomplish your business goals, including revenues, profitability, and new client acquisition. Before you even think about a new site, step back and see if you can answer these six questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you offer?
  3. Why do you do it?
  4. Who do you do it for? i.e. your target market(s)
  5. What does your target market(s) need?
  6. How do your clients change as a result

Content: The Heart & Soul of a B2B Website

Do you know what you sell from your prospect’s point of view? After all, visitors to your site have a problem and want to know why your company is qualified to solve it. Content is critical to communicating who you are, what you offer, why you do it, and how you do it for. It starts with a smart website content strategy and is implemented with professionally written web pages and blog posts by those with experience (and not interns or your nephew).

SEO: Leverage Content for Maximum Visibility

Having all the content in the world doesn’t get you anything if no one can find you. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of making sure your content gets maximum visibility. There are two forms: onsite (web SEO best practices) and offsite (link building).

Pulling It All Together

If you want a that delivers quality leads, a healthy conversion rate and increased sales, just make sure you focus first on creating a compelling strategy and you focus on content and SEO in addition to web design. If you need help doing so, let us know.

Contact us to learn more about strategic website development.