B2B Marketing Consulting & Agency Services Blog

B2B Marketing Strategy & Managed Services Blog

The Formula for Successful Messaging in Headlines, Ads, Emails & Everything

- June 1, 2024 11:23 am

Tested Advertising Methods by John Capbles

The book Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples is an all-time classic and must read for all marketing professionals.

Though first published in 1932, the fifth edition has been updated so that its even more relevant today and, in our opinion, is relevant for print and digital ads, Google Ads and other pay-per-click campaigns as well as for blog post and web page titles (H1 headings), page titles and meta descriptions (SEO), email campaign subject lines and preview text, direct mail pieces, company tag lines, and anywhere else you promote your messaging.

Why is this book so good and relevant over the last 100 years? Because it takes a simple and powerful approach to writing headlines and other copywriting that generates leads and sales.

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How to Increase Lead Generation with Thought Leadership

- May 14, 2024 1:55 pm

Man holding lightbulb

It may seem obvious to say that people seek out businesses that demonstrate thought leadership in their industries, but you would be surprised at the number of business owners whose marketing includes few examples of it – or none at all.

When a potential customer is researching your products and solutions, thought leadership can be a powerful differentiator. There are few ways as effective at driving leads as guides, industry publication articles and whitepapers that demonstrate the depth of expertise and experience you provide.

So why don’t more marketing efforts feature this type of content?

In many cases it’s because of a mistaken idea that marketing should lead with the benefits of products and services.

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B2B Podcast Marketing Recommendations

- May 11, 2024 5:10 pm

B2B Podcast Marketing & Promotion Recommendations

If you can justify the signifiant amount of time needed to recruit guests and record them, podcasts are an additional way to share thought leadership, increase brand awareness, and generate leads – and video podcasts are even better because you can promote them in all the ways you promote podcasts and videos.

Below are recommendations for getting the most out of this effort – since we are not podcasting experts, we are focused more on how to effectively promote it with the right level of external support, plus other recommendations that could help increase lead generation for you.

Recording & Production

Subject Matter

  • Identify subjects where you can offer unique thought leadership
  • Guests are recommended – especially those with their own podcast and are willing to help promote yours
  • Up to 20-25 minutes in length is recommended (at least at first)



  • Title/name
  • Description
  • Original cover art (3,000 x 3,000 pixels in PNG or JPG)
  • Name of host(s)
  • Website
  • Selected category(s)
  • Primary language
  • Episode titles within 20 characters and description
  • If you need help creating your podcasts,
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WP Engine vs. SiteGround: Which is Better for Your WordPress Site?

- March 2, 2024 8:08 pm

Web hosting

While both WP Engine and SiteGround make starting and managing a WordPress website easier than with non-WordPress hosting like GoDaddy, Network Solutions, and HostGator, our experience over the last five years is that WP Engine is better suited to host websites for small and mid-sized and large-sized businesses. Users praise WP Engine for its custom software solutions, testing environments, and overall great experience for any website.

Because WP Engine is dedicated to WordPress entirely, it’s built to be the best option for efficiently managing WordPress sites, while SiteGround must also accommodate other content management systems. As SiteGround initially appears to be the cheaper option, featuers we believe most websites need all cost extra and make WP Engine a better deal.

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Leveraging B2B Marketing Efforts for Double-Digit Growth

- March 1, 2024 4:49 am

Leveraging B2B Marketing Efforts for Double-Digit Growth

The B2B sales and marketing landscape can be a murky place.

Visitors may flock to your website but create few qualified leads. A flurry of sales activity doesn’t necessarily lead to sustainable gains. You can flaunt your services at all the right trade shows and still go home with little to show for it. And every five minutes some new “must do” marketing platform or technology pops up on the scene.

It’s never been easier to sink time and money into marketing your business. What’s harder is creating a focused and disciplined strategy that’s tied to genuine and measurable ROI.

At Innovaxis, we specialize in helping B2B businesses develop and implement marketing strategies that deliver sustainable,

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How Content Can Accelerate Prospects Through the Sales Funnel

- January 23, 2024 10:23 am

Sales funnel representation

Learn how your content mirrors your sales funnel, with mid and bottom funnel content generating leads and accelerating prospects to become customers in the buyer’s journey.

If there’s anything that gets a website reader’s heart racing and eyes moving down the page in anticipation, it’s marketing-speak. All those high-quality products and services for achieving things in more ways, faster and more cost-effectively than ever before!

It’s riveting stuff, (yawn) pulling the reader into a thicket of abstract nouns as they search for a signpost, a detail, something – anything solid they can use to satisfy the need that brought them to the website in the first place.

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Are You Happy with the Results of Your Marketing?

- November 23, 2023 4:23 pm

B2B Marketing Results

As you think about strategic marketing planning and budgeting for the coming year, I have three questions for you:

  1. Are you happy with the results of your marketing efforts this year and how they have fueled your new customer acquisition and revenue growth this year?
  2. Are you confident in your ability to execute your marketing plan for next year with your current internal and external resources?
  3. Are you on top of digital and content marketing best practices?

If not, we should talk.

Strategic Marketing Execution in the New Year

We know it’s difficult to outsource your marketing for the first time or to change marketing agencies,

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10 Pitfalls of Flawed B2B Agency Marketing & How to Avoid Them

- November 17, 2023 10:00 am

Flawed B2B marketing

Having navigated the B2B market as a marketing consulting agency since 2007, the Innovaxis team has seen thousands of companies like yours struggle with marketing that does not fuel their growth, even when they spend a lot of time and money in the effort – it’s an epidemic that needs to end.

Why does this happen – and what can you do about it?

Though well-meaning, many marketing agencies have a flawed approach to B2B marketing. Here are the 10 pitfalls of working with an agency that is not going to fuel your growth.

1. Creative Over Strategy

One of the most common mistakes made by marketing agencies is prioritizing a creative,

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How Effective B2B Marketing Increases Business Value

- November 15, 2023 9:43 am

B2B marketing funnel

If you’re a business owner, you don’t need to hear that you need a marketing plan.

What you may not know or not had a reason to believe until now: if your marketing strategy is developed by people that understand your business and executed effectively, marketing can take you much farther than even the best salespeople – though marketing is meant to align with the sales team and make selling easier. The result: maximum business value when it comes time to sell or pass your business on to the next generation of owners.

Marketing is a way to increase the value of your business – often more so than your sales team,

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B2B Marketing KPI Guide: Leading vs. Lagging Indicators

- October 31, 2023 11:17 am

B2B marketing KPI

All businesses want more leads and sales, which are critical key performance indicators (KPIs), but they can’t tell you much about where your marketing efforts are falling short. They are lagging indicators.

To generate leads and sales, a lot of other things have to happen first. What are they and how can we measure them? These are the leading indicators that preview the lead generation and sales to follow.

Here is an overview of some of the most useful leading indicators:

Keyword Rankings

Once you’ve conducted comprehensive keyword research using the Google Ads Keywords Tool, you need to track keyword rankings. Neither Google Analytics nor Google Search Console will share this information with you.

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