B2B Marketing Consulting & Agency Services Blog

B2B Marketing Strategy & Managed Services BlogMonth: October 2023


B2B Marketing KPI Guide: Leading vs. Lagging Indicators

Sean Parnell - Tuesday, October 31, 2023

B2B marketing KPI

All businesses want more leads and sales, which are critical key performance indicators (KPIs), but they can’t tell you much about where your marketing efforts are falling short. They are lagging indicators.

To generate leads and sales, a lot of other things have to happen first. What are they and how can we measure them? These are the leading indicators that preview the lead generation and sales to follow.

Here is an overview of some of the most useful leading indicators:

Keyword Rankings

Once you’ve conducted comprehensive keyword research using the Google Ads Keywords Tool, you need to track keyword rankings. Neither Google Analytics nor Google Search Console will share this information with you.

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8 Best Practices for B2B Email Marketing

Sean Parnell - Tuesday, October 24, 2023

B2B marketing graphic

B2B email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with prospective clients and nurture leads, but it doesn’t work without a focused strategy and the right tools.

Too many email campaigns are launched into a void of wishful thinking, without a clear target or messaging that can break through the flood of other in-box demands competing for attention. Some are even worse.

But when you take the time to tailor your strategies and your message to a targeted audience, email marketing can drive leads and sales with an outbound reach that is hard to match.

It starts with knowing exactly who you want to reach, and tailoring your message to the specific challenges they face.

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Demystify Yoast’s Advanced Crawl Optimization

Billy Altantulkhuur - Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Crawl optimization graphic

You might be familiar with Yoast, a popular and widely used WordPress plugin to fine-tune your SEO needs, but have you ever explored their Advanced Crawl Optimization settings?

These settings help prevent URLs and links with no SEO value from being crawled, reducing the electricity usage and carbon footprint of your website. WordPress automatically adds these URLs and links to the head section of your site pages. You may not be actively using this metadata and content for your website so Yoast gives you the option to remove them and improve your website’s crawl budget.

What is Crawl Budget?

For websites with many URLs and pages, crawl budget can become an issue.

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