B2B Marketing Consulting Agency Blog

Book Recommendations for Entrepreneurs

Sean Parnell - March 25, 2013 5:26 am

Blue Ocean StategyI was recently asked what book recommendations I would make for fellow entrepreneurs. I started Innovaxis Marketing Consulting business six years ago and the most influential book I’ve read since then is Blue Ocean Strategy. In it, co-authors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne identify how and why some businesses transform their industry, such as how Yellow Tail transformed the wine industry. They also identify a formula for how these strategies are repeatable—the single largest piece missing from other business books, from my experience.

Here at Innovaxis, our clients utilize our market research, competitive intelligence and product management services in order to apply Blue Ocean Strategy into product roadmap, marketing feasibility and product development efforts.

Additionally, I really like the following books:

Let us know what your favorite books for entrepreneurs