B2B Marketing Consulting Agency Blog

Adobe Business Catalyst vs. WordPress

- March 14, 2015 5:20 am

For small and mid-sized business, WordPress has become the defacto web content management software (WCMS) of choice. However, is it the best?

We’ve developed and edited hundreds of websites in both WordPress and Adobe Business Catalyst, and we’ve found the latter to be a much better option for SMBs. This is why we became an Adobe Business Catalyst partner four years ago.

Compare WordPress and Adobe Business Catalyst for yourself:

Feature Adobe Business Catalyst (ABC) WordPress (WP)
CMS Developer Adobe WordPress.com (open source)
CMS Type Pure cloud Hosted software
Code Type HTML PHP
Software Updates Automatic: rolled out by Adobe each week You have to update WP every 1-2 months, which may or may not be compatible with your plug-ins
Hosting Amazon Web Services 3rd party hosting providers or your server
Email Hosting Up to 10 emails included, more optional None
Support 24/7 from Adobe, local partners and forums Local partners and forums
Up-Time Status http://status.businesscatalyst.com/ None
Web Editing On-page while navigating pages and in ABC back-end In WP back-end only
Dreamweaver Editing Optional (not required) and good for global find/replace edits None
Content Holders & Web Apps Built-in Requires a plug-in
YouTube Embedding Cut and paste Google code Custom WP code required
Directory Structure Alphabetical listing and folders Alphabetical listing only
Copying Pages Built-in None
SEO Built-in Requires a plug-in
Revision History, Archiving & Rollback Built-in Built-in
E-Commerce Built-in and is certified Level 1 PCI DSS compliant Requires a plug-in
Contact Forms Built-in Requires a plug-in
Blog Built-in Built-in
CRM Contact database Requires a plug-in
Email Management Built-in like an internal Constant Contact Requires a plug-in/separate service
Reporting Visitors, traffic, content, forms, e-commerce, email, custom, admin Requires a plug-in
XML Sitemap Automatically generated every 24 hours Requires a plug-in
URL Redirects Built-in Requires a plug-in
RSS Feed Built-in Requires a plug-in

WordPress Plug-Ins

It’s not that we’re anti-WordPress plug-ins, especially as we use them on every WordPress site we’ve developed. It’s just…

  • Plug-ins often break with major WordPress releases – I remember working on one client’s site where WordPress updated itself automatically, which broke five plug-ins including the contact form; fortunately for them, we had them back up and running in a half hour
  • Plug-ins often have security loopholes that can be exploited by hackers – we’ve had several client WordPress site hacked because of this
  • Many plug-ins were developed by someone in their basement in some other part of the world – this is why they often have limited or zero support and never make it beyond version 1 or 2; we’ve even seen WordPress contact forms that send a copy of each form back to the plug-in developer unbeknownst to the client

Why deal with these risks if you don’t have to?

Contact us to learn more and to request an Adobe Business Catalyst demo.